The All Time Top Ten Study Tips For Success In Tests And Exams

Depending upon how confident you are about them, your horizon will either be measured in months, or maybe days.

You may be about to go into mid term mock examinations or you could be facing your final tests.

Thorough preparation will provide you with a strong foundation and will give you the confidence and belief that you can do them and that you will get the grades you want.
However if I were to limit myself to just the top 10 that I felt were the most powerful based on all of the work I have done in this field, here are the ones that I think are the most powerful:

1. This really is the most important of the study tips I shall share with you here because your success will be deeply rooted in your motivation to learn.

It does not mean that you are unable to learn, it just means that you have not applied yourself to the work at hand.
And because of your motivation to succeed you wil.

And if you can dig deep and find that reason then nothing will stop you because you will find a way.

Plan your time to include study, revision and social commitments – a balance of having fun, taking breaks and studying is vital.

OK you could spend every waking hour reading every book you could find and learning everything you could and yes you would pass your exams provided you had not burnt out.
Taking appropriate breaks and giving yourself little rewards when you have finished an essay or learnt something new for your exams is vital for your success.
Yes having a night out with your friends is good for you – but only if it is as a reward for doing good work and is as part of your overall plan.

Use multi-coloured Mind Maps for your notes.

Imagine being able to get the key facts from an entire book on a single page in a way that was not only easy to remember but would stay in your memory for as long as you wanted it.
Imagine being able to give a powerful hour long presentation from a single page of colourful notes that you put together in about 10 minutes.

It is an amazing tool that combines the power of association, the fact that we have a very strong visual processing mechanism and that it combines right and left brain processing.

This is another very simple but extremely powerful tip for you.
When it comes to revising for their exams at the end of the year they go to their notes and often can’t remember ever seeing that information before.

This study tip is so simple and powerful yet most will not bother.
This only need take 10 minutes at the end of the day, half an hour at the end of the week and maybe an hour or two at the end of the month.

Now there is not enough space here to explain why this tip is important because it is a fundamental part of learning how to read faster and absorb more information.

As you read in greater depth later on, some of what you have got from the quick scan will help put into context that information and allow you to make the necessary links in your mind and memory.

You could even use your own home.
Many people think that just understanding it is enough to learn it but unfortunately that is not the case and so some memorization is necessary.
One way to do this is to create a little journey in your imagination (it can be a real place or you can make it up).
If you wanted to remember a sequence of items you would link an outrageous (and therefore memorable) picture to each location.

There is a saying – “a healthy body, a healthy mind” – and nowhere is this more true than when it comes to learning.
First of all you get rid of any physical tension that will create stress in the body and mind (not good for learning) and secondly you will get a rush of oxygen to the brain which will help you think more clearly (definitely good for learning).

Do past papers under thorough exam conditions as often as possible to familiarise yourself with the format and the pressures of working under exam conditions.
It would not make sense to spend months doing push ups and then turn up on the big day and expect to play soccer really well.
So the same is true of exams.
Do these, under the same exam conditions, over and over again so that when the big day comes you will have exam experience under your belt.
Remember practice makes perfect.

In an exam, make sure you read the question completely and fully understand what the examiner wants before you allocate your time and begin answering the questions.
Take your time, plan what you are going to write and then write it.
If you are faced with a mental block breathe deeply, relax and ask yourself “If I did know the answer to this question, what would it be?”

This might sound silly but if you do it with a positive expectation that your very powerful subconcious will give you the answer, then you will be amazed at what comes to mind.
Of course you have had to have done the preparation beforehand because this won’t work with information that you have not previously learnt or covered in class.

Each are very powerful and just doing one of them will make a big difference to your success.

Good luck

For More Details Go To STUDY TIPS  


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