Posted tagged ‘learn’

Four Proven Concentration Methods to Help You Learn How to Study For Finals More Effectively

April 17, 2011

Throughout my experiences with school most of the stress that students have is due to a lack of preparation and knowledge.

I have written several articles detailing tips and suggestions pertaining to better study habits.

It all starts with clearing everything off your desk.

This was a major problem for me when I was studying, i would have my computer on and things on my desk that during a study break would turn into an hour surfing on the net.

Take breaks every hour, this step is important but don’t overdue it.
Study for forty five minutes and then take a fifteen minute break and reflect on the last study session during your break.

During those breaks get up out of your chair and do some kind of activity such as stretching or take a short walk or even jumping jacks.

Lastly, develop a habit of studying at the same time and place where you function best.
Find when and where you study best and repeat that process everyday regardless if you have an exam or not.

For Mote Details Go to STUDY TIPS.