Posted tagged ‘speed’

Follow These Tips on How to Study For an Exam and Score Big

April 17, 2011

This article was written to give you the student tips on how to get better grades on exams plus increase your study speed.
Impress your family, impress yourself whatever your motivation, run with it.

Making an educated guess is the wrong strategy.

Other things to keep in mind would be anything covered quite a bit in both the readings and the lectures, not to mention anything about which the professor feels strongly.

When studying a very helpful study tip is to use flash cards.
Flash cards is an excellent way to learn visually.
Write the word on one side and then the meaning on the other side of the card.

One of the best tips or suggestions I can offer is to implore you to ask the professor or teachers assistant for help.

Start studying at least a week prior to the exam and if you have any questions for the professor you will have time to get those questions answered.

They may even offer examples of study questions or previous exams.

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5 Study Tips For Great Grades

April 17, 2011

Even if you are a sub-par student grade wise, you can improve by leaps and bounds by learning some simple tips.

It’s time to level the playing field.

The single best way to know how best to perform in a teacher’s class is to ask previous students.
It doesn’t matter how objective they claim to be, each teacher has their own private pecking order on things they find important.
Think of it as market research.
Ask these previous students what they wished they knew about the class before they took it.

Learn How Things Are Weighted
Once you understand your environment, it’s time to understand the rules of engagement. Focus your most energies on the top 80%.
Way too many students just haphazardly study, omitting their targets.

These tips may not seem like study tips. They will go a long way toward ensuring your success.

Find a secluded place with absolutely no TV, radio, friends, drinks, food, video games, etc. And if your friends are at the library, find a private room or cube to get away.

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Figure out what you have to study and when. Schedule it out ahead of time so you aren’t surprised. Seeing your schedule will do wonders in how and when you study.
Forget binge studying.

Rewards Are All So Fine – Lastly, set up a goal and reward system for yourself.
This helps your motivation and just makes it fun.

Above all, enjoy your experience and be successful as you do it.

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Exam Study Tips That Will Help You Become a Better Test Taker

April 17, 2011

Regardless if your in high school or college being a better student means being a better test taker.
Becoming a better student starts with the desire to make a change.

The key here is to use this time to study and prepare for that upcoming test or exam.

A very important tip is to clear your study area of all distractions.
Turn off the television, turn off the cell phone, stop listening to your IPod, put away the blackberry, even turn off the computer unless you need it to study and get focused.

The one tip I cannot stress enough is not to procrastinate.

When studying take breaks every hour for about fifteen minutes, this will allow you to stay sharp as you are studying.

Make sure as the exam approaches you are getting enough sleep and that you are eating right. Taking care of your body will result in a sharper mind when preparing and taking the exam.

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Exam Study Tips That High School and College Students Need to Know

April 17, 2011

Often this is the difference between those students who do well on exams and those students who barely get by.

This article will provide five study tips that will help you become a better student and provide the benefits of studying faster.

The idea is to find a place that is free from distraction.
After finding the best place to study that is free of distractions use that same study place everytime.

You need to start studying at least one week prior to the exam date and for really challenging exams you may need to start a week and a half to two weeks prior.

When taking notes be sure to write down key points of a lecture or class. You have to listen and write key points down.
Re-write any notes that need clarification or notes that do not make sense.

Another tip is to highlight your textbook instead of underlining.
Instead of high lighting just key words and terms focus on high lighting key phrases and important material.

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Four Study Tips For Final Exams That You May Have Overlooked

April 17, 2011

Many of these distractions can be eliminated when you recognize them and actively choose to not participate in them.

These are suggestions that can be practiced in conjunction with other tips to help make you a better student.

Eliminating the distractions will help you get focused on studying.

I found it easy to get distracted when I was studying for a sociology exam or final because I thought the class and material were boring.
You have to find a quiet place away from outside distractions and then study the same time and place for every study session.

The three suggestions include get plenty of rest, eating healthy and go easy on the caffeine.

To get the optimum performance out of your body you have to get plenty of rest.

Eating healthy is important for the same reasons. Protein is brain food and will keep you sharp when studying.

Too much caffeine will cause you to burn out and crash and chasing a loss of energy with caffeine will hurt study and test performances.

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Four Tested Study Tips For Performing Well on Final Exams

April 17, 2011

Such immense weight is put on the performance of these tests that many students fall victim to test anxiety.

This article will provide you with four tested tips to help you perform better on final exams.

It all starts with when you should start studying.
This will allow optimal time for you to get all the material covered.
One method I don’t suggest is staying up all night and study before the test.

The next tip is one that will not be popular with a lot of people who read this but you have to do the readings that are assigned.
A better idea is do read the chapters as they are assigned throughout the class.

Professors and teachers will often tell students what will be on the test and what to focus on.

Think about other exams given by the professor, how were the tests given and what was the format? How were the questions given? Understanding how your teacher or professor gives exams will help you determine what most likely will be on the next exam.

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